Sunday 2 June 2013

The Editors Market.

Picture this: A shop where the more you buy, the less it costs. That's an accurate summary of The Editors Market, an webstore I discovered in Singapore. The basic concept is that the more items you have in your basket, the bigger the discount you get at the checkout. Say a jumper costs 35 SGD (Singapore Dollars) and you have 3 items in your basket, the price might go down to 30 SGD. Then if you have 6 items, it would go down to 25 SGD. If you want the great prices but 6 items is too much, you can open a shared basket. This is where you and a friend put your finds into the same basket so you can enjoy the discount without buying a ridiculous amount. 

You have the choice between brands such as Cheap Monday, UNIF and Wildfox, so you know you are getting good quality from reliable sources. I suppose the only down-side is shipment from Asia, but with all the money being saved you can afford to splash out on delivery. The Editors Market is basically my excuse to buy myself even more unnecessary clothes.

Megan Rose.

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